put your hands up歌曲dj(put your hands up)_焦点播报
1、意思:举起你们的双手例句:Please put your hands up, turn around, please. 请举起你的手,请转身。
2、2、“When he was little, I’d get home from work, and he’d say, ‘Put your hands up like this, ’ andhe’d start punching them, ” Luciano De Leon said in Spanish. “当他还小的时候,每次我下班回家的时候,他就会说,‘把你的手摆成这样’,然后他就开始击打它们,”卢西亚诺说着西班牙语回忆道。
3、3、Put your hands up to the ceiling. 把你的手到天花板。